Ok thanks, for the moment :  can I just delete the lines in the
dovecot-init.service file or what is proposed here? It's no problem for
me to make the necessary changes I just need to know which of them
because I don't know if you just need this fiel internally or not.


Am 14.02.2018 um 21:28 schrieb Aki Tuomi:
> We are planning to fix this for 2.3.1 release.
> ---
> Aki Tuomi
> Dovecot oy
> -------- Original message --------
> From: TG Servers <sr...@prvtmail.net>
> Date: 14/02/2018 22:10 (GMT+02:00)
> To: dovecot@dovecot.org
> Subject: Re: Problem with CentOS package for 2.3.0 and old dependency in
>   systemd with clean install
> Hi,
> are there any news on this?
> Or do we have to go the way install old dovecot/remove it or upgrade
> instead of clean install?
> Because as the ssl-params executaböe is missing in 2.3.0 I don't know
> how else I should create it. If this file isn't even needed for 2.3.0
> can it be a file with any content eg 'touch
> /var/lib/dovecot/ssl-parameters.dat' so that the file is just there and
> dovecot-init.servive doesn't want to call the
> /usr/libexec/dovecot/ssl-params executable?
> Thanks,
> Thomas
> Am 02.02.2018 um 09:26 schrieb Aki Tuomi:
>>> On February 2, 2018 at 5:09 AM TG Servers wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> you definitely have a problem with the packages out of your own repo for
>>> version 2.3.0 and CentOS.
>>> And this is only if you do a clean install, meaning there was no lower
>>> dovecot version ever running on the system.
>>> If you want to 'systemctl start dovecot' it breaks with a dependency
>>> error which comes from dovecot-init.service.
>>> dovecot-init.service :
>>> [Unit]
>>> Description=One-time Dovecot init service
>>> ConditionPathExists=|!/var/lib/dovecot/ssl-parameters.dat
>>> ConditionPathExists=|!/etc/pki/dovecot/certs/dovecot.pem
>>> [Service]
>>> Type=oneshot
>>> RemainAfterExit=no
>>> ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '\
>>> if [ ! -f /etc/pki/dovecot/certs/dovecot.pem ]; \
>>> then\
>>> SSLDIR=/etc/pki/dovecot/
>>> OPENSSLCONFIG=/etc/pki/dovecot/dovecot-openssl.cnf
>>> /usr/libexec/dovecot/mkcert.sh /dev/null 2>&1;\
>>> fi;\
>>> if [ ! -f /var/lib/dovecot/ssl-parameters.dat ]; \
>>> then\
>>> /usr/libexec/dovecot/ssl-params >/dev/null 2>&1; \
>>> fi'
>>> It wants to call /usr/libexec/dovecot/ssl-params if
>>> /var/lib/dovecot/ssl-parameters.dat (which is deprecated now as I
>>> understood) is not existing.
>>> The problem is in 2.3.0 /usr/libexec/dovecot/ssl-params is not existent
>>> anymore.
>>> This error does not occur if you for instance install 2.2.x from the
>>> base repo, start it once, and then update the version from your repo.
>>> This is because the ssl-parameters.dat was created with the old version
>>> then.
>>> But this should not be the expected behaviour I think. It should be
>>> possible to do a fresh install of 2.3.0 on a fresh system.
>>> Can you please get back to me on that?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Thomas
>> Thank you for reporting this, we'll look into it.
>> ---
>> Aki Tuomi
>> Dovecot oy

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