In looking at this further, I’m not seeing how this can be configured as 
documented and still work.

The sieve_pipe_socket_dir setting, as the documentation suggests, appears to be 
used by the plugin to construct a path to find the “script” (the socket in this 
case), and it is always relative to base_dir and must include the contents of 

    /* Try socket first */
    if ( ext_config->socket_dir != NULL ) {
        path = t_strconcat(senv->user->set->base_dir, "/",
            ext_config->socket_dir, "/", program_name, NULL);

But nowhere in dovecot can I find a place where this subdir would be created at 
startup.  The only subdirs that I can find created are all explicitly hardcoded 
in master-settings.c in a function called master_settings_do_fixes():

        /* Make sure our permanent state directory exists */
        if (mkdir_parents(set->state_dir, 0755) < 0 && errno != EEXIST)
                i_fatal("mkdir(%s) failed: %m", set->state_dir);

        mkdir_login_dir(set, t_strconcat(set->base_dir, "/login", NULL));
        mkdir_login_dir(set, t_strconcat(set->base_dir, "/token-login", NULL));

        empty_dir = t_strconcat(set->base_dir, "/empty", NULL);
        if (safe_mkdir(empty_dir, 0755, master_uid, getegid()) == 0) {
                i_warning("Corrected permissions for empty directory "
                          "%s", empty_dir);

Granted this is from a pretty quick browsing of the sources but I couldn’t find 
where subdirs specified in service listeners might be created at startup.

I’m working around this by defining sieve_pipe_socket_dir to the current 
directory (“.”), which allows the search path to resolve to base_dir, and find 
the socket in there.  Then I just define the listener without the subdir.  This 
seems to work fine and allows dovecot to start up.

Unless someone can reveal the magic incantation to use sieve_pipe_socket_dir to 
create an actual subdir, though, it seems like either a documentation issue or 
a bug.  I’d argue the latter since the configuration variable isn’t actually 


> On Dec 17, 2017, at 4:51 PM, Garth Corral <> wrote:
> Hi, all
> I’m new to the list but not to dovecot.  I’ve been using it in a basic 
> configuration for some time, but finally decided to tweak my deployed system 
> to take advantage of some more dovecot features.  In particular I’m trying to 
> set up pigeonhole to implement spam retraining with imapsieve.  All of this 
> is with dovecot 2.2.31 (65cde28) and pigeonhole 0.4.19.
> Before going any further let me start by saying that I have gotten all of 
> this to work.  It works when I can get dovecot to start up, that is.  My 
> configuration is pretty much straight from the docs, with a few tweaks for my 
> particular needs.  I’m trying to set up a pipe service using 
> sieve-extprograms, and the relevant part of my config looks like this:
> plugin {
>  sieve_pipe_input_eol = lf
>  sieve_pipe_socket_dir = sieve-pipe
>  sieve_filter_socket_dir = sieve-filter
>  sieve_execute_socket_dir = sieve-execute
>  sieve_pipe_bin_dir = /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/sieve-pipe
>  sieve_filter_bin_dir = /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/sieve-filter
>  sieve_execute_bin_dir = /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/sieve-execute
> }
> service sieve-train-ham {
>  executable = script /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/sieve-pipe/
>  # Needs access to dspam config and lockfiles.
>  user = dspam
>  # socket name is program-name in Sieve (without sieve-pipe/ prefix)
>  unix_listener sieve-pipe/train-ham {
>  }
> }
> It’s my understanding from reading the docs that the sieve_pipe_socket_dir 
> specifies a directory that is relative to base_dir, which is the default 
> /var/run/dovecot in my case.  The issue I’m having is that dovecot will not 
> start, and spews the following errors:
> dovecot: master: Error: bind(/var/run/dovecot/sieve-pipe/train-ham) failed: 
> No such file or directory
> dovecot: master: Fatal: Failed to start listeners
> Once dovecot fails startup, it leaves /var/run/dovecot around and if I 
> manually create the sieve-pipe directory there it will start up, create the 
> sockets there and everything works as intended subsequently.  The problem, 
> though, is that on normal shutdown all of /var/run/dovecot goes away and the 
> at the next startup it fails to start again.  Needless to say this isn’t 
> great for unintended reboots, etc.
> So, can anyone see anything obvious that I’m doing wrong?  I’m just assuming 
> that dovecot should create the needed subdir since I can’t find anything in 
> the docs to suggest a way to create it otherwise.  I’ve tried all I can think 
> of at the moment to try to remedy this without success.  I’m happy to provide 
> additional details as needed to try to track this down.
> Thanks in advance,
> Garth

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