Hi ceph-ers,

The email below was posted on the ceph mailinglist yesterday by Wido den Hollander. I guess this could be interesting for user here as well.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [ceph-users] librmb: Mail storage on RADOS with Dovecot
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2017 10:40:03 +0200 (CEST)
From: Wido den Hollander <w...@42on.com>
To: ceph-us...@ceph.com


A tracker issue has been out there for a while:

Storing e-mail in RADOS with Dovecot, the IMAP/POP3/LDA server with a huge marketshare.

It took a while, but last year Deutsche Telekom took on the heavy work and started a project to develop librmb: LibRadosMailBox

Together with Deutsche Telekom and Tallence GmbH (DE) this project came to life.

First, the Github link:

I am not going to repeat everything which is on Github, put a short summary:

- CephFS is used for storing Mailbox Indexes
- E-Mails are stored directly as RADOS objects
- It's a Dovecot plugin

We would like everybody to test librmb and report back issues on Github so that further development can be done.

It's not finalized yet, but all the help is welcome to make librmb the best solution for storing your e-mails on Ceph with Dovecot.

Danny Al-Gaaf has written a small blogpost about it and a presentation:

- https://dalgaaf.github.io/CephMeetUpBerlin20170918-librmb/
- http://blog.bisect.de/2017/09/ceph-meetup-berlin-followup-librmb.html

To get a idea of the scale: 4,7PB of RAW storage over 1.200 OSDs is the final goal (last slide in presentation). That will provide roughly 1,2PB of usable storage capacity for storing e-mail, a lot of e-mail.

To see this project finally go into the Open Source world excites me a lot :-)

A very, very big thanks to Deutsche Telekom for funding this awesome project!

A big thanks as well to Tallence as they did an awesome job in developing librmb in such a short time.


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