Hi Aki,

Am 18.09.17 um 11:13 schrieb Aki Tuomi:
> On 18.09.2017 12:10, Ralf Becker wrote:
>> Am 14.09.17 um 01:07 schrieb Timo Sirainen:
>>> On 7 Sep 2017, at 17.42, Ralf Becker <r...@egroupware.org> wrote:
>>>> Dovecot 2.2.31 with mailboxes in mdbox format.
>>>> Since a couple of days some mailboxes have the problem, that sieve rules
>>>> moving mails to folders stop working and .sieve.log in mailbox shows:
>>>> sieve: info: started log at Sep 07 13:57:17.
>>>> error:
>>>> msgid=<20170907155704.egroupware.s4ythvjrr12wsijlpkbk...@somedomain.egroupware.de>:
>>>> failed to store into mailbox 'INBOX/Munser': Mailbox doesn't exist:
>>>> INBOX/Munser.
>>>> When I do a doveadm mailbox list -s -u <user>@<domain> I get all folders
>>>> incl. the one mentioned above, while doveadm mailbox list without -s
>>>> shows just
>>>> user
>>>> INBOX
>>> Subscriptions are stored independently from the actual folders. So it looks 
>>> like the subscription file exists and is correct, but somehow you've lost 
>>> all the folders. Do you see the folders in the filesystem under 
>>> user/mailboxes/ directory? 
>> Yes, the folders exist under
>> /var/dovecot/imap/<domain>/<user>/mdbox/mailboxes/.
>> Just doveadm mailbox list -u <user>@<domain> (without -s) does only show
>> INBOX and user.
>> (I can send you the list of folders via private mail, but I can not post
>> them on the list.)
>> Anything I can do to get Dovecot to eg. rescan the folders from the
>> filesystem or any other way to fix that problem?
>> I have it with a couple of mailboxes, so I believe it's some kind of
>> systematic problem, nothing the users did.
>> Ralf
>>> My guess is that it only has INBOX, which means the folders were deleted by 
>>> something (Dovecot corruption can't lose entire folders - something must 
>>> explicitly delete them).
> You can always try doveadm force-resync -u victim "*"
> You should run it twice, I guess.

Tried that before and just tried it again, no luck :(

root@fra-nfs-mail:/var/dovecot/imap/<domain># doveadm force-resync -u
<user>@<domain> "*"
doveadm(<user>@<domain>): Warning: fscking index file
doveadm(<user>@<domain>): Warning: mdbox
/var/dovecot/imap/<domain>/<user>/mdbox/storage: rebuilding indexes
doveadm(<user>@<domain>): Warning: Transaction log file
was locked for 72 seconds (mdbox storage rebuild)
doveadm(<user>@<domain>): Warning: fscking index file

root@fra-nfs-mail:/var/dovecot/imap/<domain># doveadm force-resync -u
<user>@<domain> "*"
doveadm(<user>@<domain>): Warning: fscking index file
doveadm(<user>@<domain>): Warning: mdbox
/var/dovecot/imap/<domain>/<user>/mdbox/storage: rebuilding indexes
doveadm(<user>@<domain>): Warning: fscking index file

root@fra-nfs-mail:/var/dovecot/imap/<domain># doveadm mailbox list -u

What else can I do to analyse the problem?


Ralf Becker
EGroupware GmbH [www.egroupware.org]
Handelsregister HRB Kaiserslautern 3587
Geschäftsführer Birgit und Ralf Becker
Leibnizstr. 17, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Telefon +49 631 31657-0

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