On Friday 08 of September 2017, Ralph Seichter wrote:
> On 08.09.2017 16:20, LuKreme wrote:

> > However, it seems like checking the certs is something that dovecot
> > should be doing on its own.
> What is Dovecot supposed to do? Keep track of the certificate expiry
> date? 

That was already discussed but due to other reason. dovecot shouldn't load SSL 
certificates into memory and instead open  & load cert on demand (when client 
connects and requests particular domain via SNI (or default if no SNI)).

Why? Because dovecot *cannot* handle thousands of virtual domains and SSL 
certificates for these. It wastes so much RAM and timeouts on reloads in such 
case. Tested here. [1]

That's why the only sensible solution is to work like exim - load cert from 
disk on demand.

That fixes both problems - ram wasting/timeouts and refreshing certificates.

> -Ralph

1. https://dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2016-October/105855.html

Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz, arekm / ( maven.pl | pld-linux.org )

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