Timo Sirainen wrote:

There are various changes in this release that can be used to significantly 
reduce disk IO with:
1) NFS storage especially, but I guess also other remote filesystems and even 
some with local disks
2) When mail storage and INDEX storage are separated

Thanks for these changes!  Big win for my setup.  My servers are not
overly stressed, but how much performance gain (using any metric you
choose) can one expect from these changes?

 + mail_location can now include VOLATILEDIR=<path> parameter. This
   is used for creating lock files and in future potentially other
   files that don't need to exist permanently. The path could point to
   tmpfs for example. This is especially useful to avoid creating lock
   files to NFS or other remote filesystems. For example:

Is "/tmp/volatile" auto-created, or must be pre-created?

 + mail_location's LISTINDEX=<path> can now contain a full path.
   This allows storing mailbox list index to a different storage
   than the rest of the indexes, for example to tmpfs.

Is this in any way related to VOLATILEDIR?  Can they be set to the same
value without problems?

 + mail_location can now include NO-NOSELECT parameter. This
   automatically deletes any \NoSelect mailboxes that have no children.
   These mailboxes are sometimes confusing to users.

Sorry for my IMAP ignorance, but how can this situation come about?

 + mail_location can now include ITERINDEX parameter. This tells Dovecot
   to perform mailbox listing from the INDEX path instead of from the
   mail root path. It's mainly useful when the INDEX storage is on a
   faster storage.
 + If mailbox_list_index_very_dirty_syncs=yes, the list index is no
   longer refreshed against filesystem when listing mailboxes. This
   allows the mailbox listing to be done entirely by only reading the
   mailbox list index.
 + Added mailbox_list_index_include_inbox setting to control whether
   INBOX's STATUS information should be cached in the mailbox list
   index. The default is "no", but it may be useful to change it to
   "yes", especially if LISTINDEX points to tmpfs.

So as I understand it, the optimzation comes about from segregating mail
data information into 3 parts: raw mail, indices, and volatile components,
putting them into increasingly better performing storage media.

How do these I/O optimizations affect the client's view of a mailbox
if their mailbox is subject to modification outside the dovecot system
(e.g.  procmail, mail readers directly modifies mailbox files)?  Is there
a trade-off between metadata consistency and performance, or it's a
win-win all around?

(I just saw your previous response to someone else, which I'll read more

Joseph Tam <jtam.h...@gmail.com>

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