Hello Community,

Now that virtual folders seem to work fine, I stil lhave 2 questions :

1° Is it possible to store the virtual folder definition (aka content of Folder/dovecot-virtual) in mysql?

2° I have duplicates in my "Unseen", which both correctly disappear once handled one of them
-Inbox (tried this but does not succeed

2°bis :) I tried to put the "common defs" in a shared folder (/etc/dovecot/virtual) using personal index location = virtual:/etc/dovecot/virtual:INDEX=/sd/MAIL_IMAP_POP/%d/%n/__Virtual/ This does not work, I have to *copy* (even symlinks do not succeed) the definitions and use location = virtual:/sd/MAIL_IMAP_POP/%d/%n/__Virtual:INDEX=/sd/MAIL_IMAP_POP/%d/%n/__Virtual/ I already tried to set perms on /etc/dovecot/virtual to: vmail.vmail rw(x)------

Thank you!


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