Hi all,
I am currently facing an issue with Dovevot version where
subfolders in a public namespace are only
visible to the 2nd folder level:
namespace Public -> folder "1st" -> folder -> "2nd" -> folder "3rd" ....
When one user creates a subfolder below the 2nd level other users do not
see that folder and are unable to
subscribe to this folder. Folders created under the 1st level however
are visible and subscribable by other
namespace {
disabled = no
hidden = no
ignore_on_failure = no
inbox = no
list = children
type = public
separator = /
prefix = Public/
location = maildir:/var/vmail/public:INDEXPVT=~/Maildir/public
subscriptions = no
I do not know at which point ( dovecot update ) this issue appeared.
Does anyone face the same problem ?
Thank you for your kind help
best regards