On Mon, 10 Apr 2017 23:11:24 +0300 Timo Sirainen wrote:

> On 10 Apr 2017, at 21.49, Mark Moseley <moseleym...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > Timo, any sense on where (if any) the point is where there are so many
> > connections on a given login process that it would get too busy to keep up?
> > I.e. where the sheer amount of stuff the login process has to do outweighs
> > the CPU savings of not having to context switch so much?  
> There might be some unexpected bottleneck somewhere, but I haven't heard of 
> anyone hitting one.
I haven't, OTOH context switching isn't _that_ bad and unless you're
having a very dedicated box just doing this one thing it might happen
Never mind that NUMA and device IRQ adjacency also factor into this.

So you want to probably start with some reasonable (and that means larger
than what you expect to be needed ^o^) value and if it grows beyond that
no worries.

> > I realize that's a terribly subjective question, so perhaps you might have
> > a guess in very very round numbers? Given a typical IMAP userbase
> > (moderately busy, most people sitting in IDLE, etc), I woud've thought 10k
> > connections on a single process would've been past that tipping point.
> > 
> > With the understood caveat of being totally subjective and dependent on
> > local conditions, should 20k be ok? 50k? 100k?  
> I only remember seeing a few thousand connections per process, but the CPU 
> usage there was almost nothing. So I'd expect it to scale well past 10k 
> connections. I think it's mainly limited by Linux, and a quick google shows 
> 500k, but I guess that's per server and not per process. Still, that's likely 
> not all that many CPUs/processes. 
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9899532/maximum-socket-connection-with-epoll
> <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9899532/maximum-socket-connection-with-epoll>

As I wrote and from my substantial experience, 8k connections per process
are no issue at all, I'd expect it to go easily up to 50k. 
But w/o any pressing reason I'd personally keep it below 20k, too many
eggs in one basket and all that.

And in the original context of this thread, an imap-hibernate process with
2.5k connections uses about 10MB RAM and 0.5% of a CPU core, so 16k per
process as configured here should be a breeze.

> > Maybe a better question is, is there anywhere in the login process that is
> > possible to block?  
> Shouldn't be. Well, logging, but all the login processes are sharing the same 
> log pipe so if one blocks the others would block too.
> > If not, I'd figure that a login process that isn't using
> > up 100% of a core can be assumed to *not* be falling behind. Does that seem
> > accurate?  
> Should be. In general I haven't heard of installations hitting CPU limits in 
> proxies. The problem so far has always been related to getting enough 
> outgoing sockets without errors, which is a server-wide problem. 2.2.29 has 
> one tweak that hopefully helps with that.
Which would be? The delayed connection bit?

Anyway, with a properly sized login_source_ips pool this shouldn't be an
issue, I have 80k sessions (that's 160k connections total) per proxy
server now and they are bored.

Christian Balzer        Network/Systems Engineer                
ch...@gol.com           Global OnLine Japan/Rakuten Communications

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