On Qua, 15 Fev 2017, Gandalf Corvotempesta wrote:
2017-02-15 13:27 GMT+01:00 Aki Tuomi <aki.tu...@dovecot.fi>:
For good pointers, see http://wiki.dovecot.org/Upgrading

it's not complete, but it should give you some idea.

I've already read that, and as wrote previously, everything broke down.
dovecont -n wasn't able to convert the configuration file and dovecot
wasn't started properly.
The only way to fix was to downgrade.

As this is a production server, I would like to avoid this kind of issue.....

Set up a server replicating exactly the configuration you have at present. Doesn't need to be anything fancy, a virtual machine is enough. Actually, a virtual machine is a great tool if you can make snapshots and then rollback to known states if any attempt at a change fails.

Do your upgrade work in this new server. Take note of the problems and the solutions. If you have concrete issues, you can ask help in this mailing list.

Once you get your test server working, you can then upgrade the real server using what you've learned from the test server.


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