On 2/9/2017 11:13 PM, Aki Tuomi wrote:
What dovecot version are you using?
On 10.02.2017 09:12, Aki Tuomi wrote:
Yeah, thanks.
It seems that there indeed is content-type header (there should not be).
We'll look into it.
On 10.02.2017 01:44, Daniel Miller wrote:
Does this work (pcap attached)?
On 2/8/2017 10:57 PM, Aki Tuomi wrote:
On 09.02.2017 07:54, Daniel Miller wrote:
I've been running Solr for a while (4.10.3) - wanted to make the jump
to the latest & greatest. I installed 6.4.1, copied over my
schema.xml - and after a couple false starts where I needed to tweak
it work with the new version...it works! I did not copy the database,
started from scratch, and executed a "doveadm fts rescan -A". But...
Judging solely from at least one client - it's fine. But looking in
the logs I see:
1. The first scan of a mailbox dovecot's error log gives:
dovecot: imap(dmil...@amfes.com): Error: fts_solr: Lookup failed:
Bad Request
2. Subsequent scans do not appear to generate any dovecot error logs
- but I'm not certain. Each new mailbox/subfolder scanned will each
have one error on the initial scan.
3. Solr's log gives me the following - on every search.
2017-02-09 05:50:12.412 ERROR (qtp205125520-15) [ x:dovecot]
o.a.s.h.RequestHandlerBase org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Bad
contentType for search handler :text/xml
can you please use tcpdump or wireshark to capture the actual HTTP
request causing this exception?