I have compiled dovecot2 for FreeBSD with the tcpwrap option.
A tcpwrap binary gets built and resides in the FreeBSD directory
an examination of the compiled options (using the FreeBSD pkg install
dovecot2) confirms: LIBWRAP : on
yet, when I adjust dovecot.conf with: login_access_sockets = tcpwrap
I get the following logged error message:
20161229 17:02:49 imap-login: Error: connect(tcpwrap) failed: No such
file or directory
Is there any way to turn up some super logging so that I can find just
what dovecot feels is the failure ?
Or, does anyone have an idea how to figure this out? What little hair I
have is rapidly getting pulled out in frustration!
Thank you.
Jim Pazarena dove...@paz.bz