this was the ticket I posted re the horde issue.

On 18 Dec 2016 23:05, Peter Chiochetti wrote:
> Am 2016-12-18 um 22:50 schrieb Ricardo Branco:
>> I am having a problem with Horde due to large variations in email UID
>> for a few users.
>> At one time they were receiving thousands of emails a day, they have
>> deleted all these messages but because they still have early emails in
>> the mailbox the UID range from start to now is massive.
>> We use Horde webmail and it creates an internal array based on range of
>> messages but due to large UID range it eats though the ram.
> Not an answer, just curious: PHP arrays are sparse by design. Must be
> something peculiar to the way Horde does IDs.
>> If I use dsync on a mailbox will the UIDs be renumbered?
> …

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