Hi Steve,

You could create your own private CA then sign your Dovecot certificate with the CA cert and
alpine should then trust it.

Best Regards


On 2016-11-24 15:37, Steve Litt wrote:
On Thu, 24 Nov 2016 07:52:51 +0100 (CET)
Steffen Kaiser <skdove...@smail.inf.fh-brs.de> wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 23 Nov 2016, Steve Litt wrote:

>On Wed, 23 Nov 2016 16:04:22 -0600 (CST) Greg Rivers
><gcr+dove...@tharned.org> wrote:
>> $ strings $(whence alpine) | grep '^/.*certs$'
>> /etc/ssl/certs
> The directory or the certs isn't the problem. Alpine sees the
> self-signed cert I just made, but complains because it's
> self-signed, and gives me the choice between saying "yes" every
> time, and just not checking for certs at all.

"sees the self-signed cert"?
Did you've added it as trusted to the CA as Greg said and wrote what
to do?

No. I don't want to deal with a third party "Trusted Party": I want  it
self-signed. What I was looking for was a way Alpine could be set to
check for a cert, warn if the cert is conflicting, but not warn if it's



Steve Litt
November 2016 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business

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