On 11/22/2016 11:05 AM, Larry Rosenman <larry...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I keep a separate ARCHIVE/YYYY-MM/ namespace for old mail and move
> the mail on the first of the month.  That way most clients don't load it,
> but I can get to them.  I keep one box per mailing list and other "things".

I keep a single 'Old Mail' folder, where I file anything that I want to
keep but doesn't fit into any of my 20 or 30 specific folders I've created.

> So, yes, I can see multi-hundreds of folders.

Again, I can't, it is much easier, in my opinion, to only have to search
a single folder, rather than try to figure out which folder something is
more likely to be in - but whatever works for you...

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