Pi is usable to host an dovecot email server, but remember that SD Cards
are not hard drives and tend to fail more often unless you use industrial
grade ones ( do not ask how I know :) )
Or make backups on a regular basis.

For fecthing emails you should look at fetchmail, something like
That's another thing, and I'm sure you'll find forums to help you on this.

That said, don't be afraid to try.
I had a dovecot runing on pi with nginx. Really easy to clone to make a
small cluster for testing.


2016-10-31 11:49 GMT-04:00 jean francois pion <jean.francois.p...@free.fr>:

> hello,
> i'm quite a newbie to the mail server instalation and admin (you must
> start one day !)
> i would like to use a rapberry pi to build a system to get the mails from
> different mail accounts via pop, to store them in the raspberry  memory an
> be able to get them with my thunderbird client on the different computers
> on my local network.
> no need to accesse them via internet it is for local use only.
> the puropose is to avoid gettin my fai mail box full and loosing mails
> (quite a big mail traffic )
> no need for spamkiller i've got what i want already on the computer
> no need  for an smtp relay the computer can acces the fai smtp,
> is dovecot able to do that ?
> thank you
> sorry for the bad english
> --
> --
> JF Pion
> *Quand je suis allé à l'école, ils m'ont demandé ce que je voulais être
> quand je serai grand. J'ai répondu : "Heureux"*
> Ils m’ont dit que je n’avais pas compris la question, j’ai répondu qu’ils
> n’avaient pas compris la vie.
> John Lennon
> Des montages électroniques pour le modélisme
> http://jean.francois.pion.free.fr
> le site du vol électrique http://electrofly.free.fr/
> ---
> L'absence de virus dans ce courrier électronique a été vérifiée par le
> logiciel antivirus Avast.
> https://www.avast.com/antivirus

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