On 2016-10-14 21:32, Marnaud wrote:
Le 14 oct. 2016 à 16:06, mick crane <mick.cr...@gmail.com> a écrit:

On 2016-10-14 13:43, Moi wrote:
First of all, I'm sorry if you received this mail twice; I haven't received
it the first time so I think it was lost. Second attempt.
I've made some more tests and I still can't receive mails.
Outlook doesn't complain about anything, no error message; the mails that
are supposed to be received just won't appear.
In the mail logs, I find this line (other lines are irrelevant):
dovecot: imap-login: Aborted login (no auth attempts in 2 secs): user=<>
Is this a problem that looks familiar?
It's a bit clueless without an error message.
Any idea welcome.


Thank you. I’m at the “Check that it finds INBOX” section and am getting:

(the remaining text being the same as the example). So it looks like
the mailbox doesn’t exist…

I assume this means there are no emails in the INBOX.
send yourself a mail.

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