On 11 May 2016, at 23:49, NederHost/Sebastiaan Hoogeveen <s.hoogev...@nederhost.nl> wrote: > > Hi, > > I noticed a bug doing dict lookups on an SQLite database which had NULL > values in its columns; a segmentation fault occurred, probably due to a null > pointer dereference in str_tabescape. The problem is that sqlite3_column_text > returns a null pointer for column values which are (SQL) NULL. It seems the > other database drivers do something similar. The following patch makes the > dict server check for null pointers and return a 'not found' reply in those > cases (I changed the order around in the decision tree to avoid having to > repeat return values):
Fixed a bit differently: https://github.com/dovecot/core/commit/923ed5836f90175e736846f02edfd9c2ee07dc6b