I personnaly use courier's maildirmake, which is a real binary unlike dovecote's maildirmake which is a thin bash wrapper around the linux mkdir command. Courier's maildirmake on the other hand has this nice -q option that let you specify a quota, at creation time of afterwards.
I'm using it in a script like this : root@messagerie[CHROOT][] ~/SCRIPTS/MAIL # cat setupquota.single if [[ "$#" = 0 ]] then echo "usage : $0 bo...@domain.com [quota en megas]" exit 1 fi quota=$((1024*1024*1024)) #1Go inbox="${1%@*}" maildir="/var/vmail/example.domain/$inbox" backup="/var/vmail/backup.example.domain/$inbox" if [[ "$#" = 2 ]] then quota=$((1024*1024*$2)) fi function set_quota { local quota="$1" local dst="$2" echo maildirmake.courier -q "$quota"S "$dst" maildirmake.courier -q "$quota"S "$dst" echo chown vmail:vmail -R "$dst" chown vmail:vmail -R "$dst" } set_quota "$quota" "$maildir" quota=$(( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 5 )) # 5Go set_quota "$quota" "$backup" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------" root@messagerie[CHROOT][] ~/SCRIPTS/MAIL # And use it like this : root@messagerie[CHROOT][] ~/SCRIPTS/MAIL # ./setupquota.single h.messamri@example.domain 1024 From: "mkaw...@redhat.com" <mkaw...@redhat.com> To: dovecot@dovecot.org Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2016 1:20 AM Subject: quota rules for mail users Dear All, Is it possible to make quota rules under $HOME/Maildir/* mailboxes with a specific command such as 'edquota' when the first email arrives at the $HOME/Maildir/{new,cur,tmp} of a user. In the below example, the <UserB> is the one who gets an email for the first time. &é"edquota -p <UserA> <UserB> ---man edquot--- -p, --prototype=protoname Duplicate the quotas of the prototypical user specified for each user specified. This is the normal mechanism used to initialize quotas for groups of users. --- To configure quotas in postfix/dovecot environment, it seems that you need to use dovecot-lda plugin, and then my exact question is as follows: Is it possible to automatically run any commands or scripts in order to set a quota rule to $HOME/Maildir/* mailboxes when users receive an email for the first time? I just found the post-login service allows you to execute scripts after authentication in the following URL, but I have not found the exact way to make it. http://www.dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2009-November/044279.html Any comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. -- Masaharu Kawada