
I'm using dovecot as a local mail store on my laptop using preauth
tunneling.  It turns out I almost don't even need to start dovecot at
all; the only reason it needs to be running is so that FTS indexing can
be invoked.  And because I don't want it to run any services, I can run
it as an unprivileged user, so long as I turn them all off:

  # We don't want to serve any protocols, so we don't bind to any ports.
  # We can run everything as me.
  protocols = 
  default_login_user = dave
  default_internal_user = dave

The only thing is, I keep getting these in var/log/mail.log:

  anvil: Fatal: chroot(/Users/dave/brew/var/run/dovecot/empty) failed: 
Operation not permitted
  master: Error: service(anvil): command startup failed, throttling for 60 secs
  auth: Error: read(anvil-auth-penalty) failed: EOF

Any suggestions?


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