
Mark Foley <mfo...@ohprs.org> (Do 12 Nov 2015 23:31:39 CET):
> According to a message to this list from Oli Schacher, 
> http://www.dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2011-June/059493.html, all I need to do 
> is copy the deleted
> emails to their original folder and dovecot will take care of it:
> > exactly, just copy the mail from your backup back into the users
> > maildir (usually into 'cur'). Make sure the permissions of the restored
> > file are correct. No need to synchronize anything, dovecot automatically
> > detects the added message. 

About the 'cur' I'd not be too sure. If you *mv* the files there from a
directory on the same filesystem, you should be fine, but if copy the
files, I'd be careful. Probably you want to mimic the maildir behaviour:

    copy the files to tmp/
    mv the files to cur/     (not sure, if new/ would be fine to,
                              because new/ is the natural place after
                              tmp/. I'm not sure, what this does to the
                              message state the client sees.)
    Best regards from Dresden/Germany
    Viele Grüße aus Dresden
    Heiko Schlittermann
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