Thank you for you answer. I got your point, anyways, this is not my system and 
i just want to migrate to RHEL7 ASAP and  this is why i need master user to 
work (i want to use imap sync), because sysadmin doesnt have user passwords. 
So… is there any possibility to have working master user or not?


Dňa 15.10.2015 o 21:16, Alexander Dalloz <> napísal:

> Am 15.10.2015 um 13:12 schrieb Michal Žila:
>> # OS: Linux 2.6.18-164.10.1.el5PAE i686 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 
>> release 5.4 (Tikanga)
> 3 years no updates, that's irresponsible. Your system has big security holes. 
> Current RHEL is 5.11. "yum update" and reboot ASAP!
> Alexander

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