On 9/13/2015 6:04 AM, Stephan Bosch wrote:
Op 9/13/2015 om 12:19 PM schreef Jouko Nikula:

I have trouble with some attachments not working on Horde and
Roundcube. I made a ticket to Roundcube webmail and they tracked down
it to Dovecot not responding correctly to BINARY FETCH:


What is causing Dovecot to answer NIL? Is there an issue in Dovecot?

A few questions to facilitate debugging:

- Do your logs show anything that may be related to this issue?
- What is the output of `dovecot -n` ?

Probably this: http://markmail.org/message/abjg72sw7ii5ty5x

Trivial to workaround in client code, so no need to disable BINARY outright on a client.


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