On Friday 11 September 2015 17:55:12 Robert Schetterer wrote:
> Am 10.09.2015 um 23:43 schrieb Timo Sirainen:
> > I've been once in a while over the years thinking about implementing 
CalDAV (and CardDAV) to Dovecot. It might be time to start that soon. Does 
anyone have any suggestions? So far my main goals would be:
> >  - scalable, of course
> >  - configurable storage (object storage, regular fs, maybe some key-
> >  dbs, maybe storing as emails) - efficient indexes (potentially using
> >  key-value dbs? or maybe just local files. not sure yet what kind of
> >  indexing is needed) - have it work with dsync (= replication &
> >  migration)
> > 
> > Some things I wonder about:
> >  - Maybe there is already some code out there that could be used to
> >  implement it faster? - Maybe even use something else besides C to
> >  implement it.. Then again that makes integration to Dovecot more
> >  difficult. - Is anybody interested in helping to develop this? :) I
> >  think I still have too much other work that I won't spend a lot of time
> >  coding it..> 
> > One thing that makes this easier is that Open-Xchange has already
> > implemented a CalDAV server, so they can help to avoid the biggest 
> > mistakes. (There are a couple of reasons why they'd want to replace
> > that.)
> Hi Timo, caldav / carddav in dovecot will be an ultimate nice feature.
> I remember Kolab with imap file storage backend, storing vcard, ics in
> imap folders. ( which should be hidden )

In fact with  metadata support (which is now mainstream in dovecot) you 
can store arbitrary data in imap. The folder is simply marked as: 
addressbook, calendar or whatever you want .  I think there is nothing 
more to implement in dovecot (well, is enough place for improuvement) ; 

> There was a thunderbird plugin for this, but i had no good performance.
> Advantage of this solution might be the exist imap acl system can be
> used for all kind of addressbook , kalendar sharing. Perhaps public
> addressbooks and calendars are possible too this way ( and at last
> anonymous read only ones ).

Thunderbird is stagnant; I think we don't have an IMAP client dovecot 
deserve :)  But IMHO all the rest ( storing, parsing)  should be implemented 
client side via plugins.  

> All other servers i know use some db backend. I  guess you will have
> hard times with clients, cause there are all kind of known bugs.

> Best Regards
> MfG Robert Schetterer-- 
Mihai Badici[1] 

[1] http://mihai.badici.ro

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