On Wed Jul 29 22:42:32 2015, Sascha wrote:
> i use doevecot 2.2.18 current. My Problem is with email-extension and
> case sensitiv folders.
> Example:
> user+extenstion will be delivered to the user and subfolder extenstion
> so this is okay.
> but user+extenstion will not be delivert to the user and exiting
> subfolder Extenstion so that is not okay.
> The mail will be also delivered in the subfolder extension. The exiting
> Folder Extension will not used.
> Give's a way to tell dovecot, use the extension as a Folder, if a
> exiting folder with Upper/Lower Cases will be detect and use the right
> folder to delivery?
Unfortunately you didn't tell us which part of dovecot is doing the
delivery and which structure your folders are. That could be lda, lmtp
or even your MTA. But I am quite sure that you can't match existing
folders case-insensistively, except if you are working on a
case-insensitive filesystem *and* not using dbox. In this case it
shouldn't depend on the delivery method.

Jost Krieger
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| Sincere words are not sweet, sweet words are not sincere.        |
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