Am 15.07.2015 um 07:24 schrieb Felix Zielcke:
> Am Dienstag, den 14.07.2015, 22:44 +0200 schrieb Christian Theune:
>> Hi,
>> I’ve been a long-time user of Cyrus and started using sieve with 
>> Dovecot recently. A question that came up is: how do I access a 
>> users’s sieve scripts through managesieve without their credentials? 
>> Managesieve allows separating authentation and the corresponding 
>> mailbox identification, right? That’s what I used with cyrus sieve 
>> all the time. :)
>> I didn’t find documentation in the wiki or googling where to 
>> configure someone as admin in Dovecot so he can access foreign sieve 
>> scripts through managesieve.
>> Pointers? Am I using the right words?
> Hi,
> Dovecot has Master Users which can login as other users.
> But I don't know if this also applies to managesieve and works for you.
It work for managesieve as well - I use it upon account creation to
upload a 1st user script.
@Christian: to not get confused: a master user is not a user account. It
can only login as someone else!


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