On 21.11.2014 20:04, Grzegorz Nosek wrote:
Hi all,
I noticed that in some circumstances quota warnings are ignored. The
bug arises when both of the following are used:
1. percentage-based quota warnings, i.e.:
quota_warning = storage=1%% quota-warning 1 %u
2. filesystem quota backend (and probably others, except for quotas
configured directly in dovecot config)
Percentage-based quota warnings have rule.bytes_limit recalculated
based on root_set->default_rule.bytes_limit, however this value is
zero when FS quotas are in use. Real quota values (from quotactl) are
fetched very late, in quota_warnings_execute() but at that point no
recalculation happens. As the warning rules have bytes_limit==0,
they're effectively ignored.
The patch below enables quota warnings to be sent when using
filesystem (and possibly maildirsize-based) quotas.
Based and tested on Ubuntu 14.04's dovecot 2.2.9.
Best regards,
Grzegorz Nosek
diff --git a/src/plugins/quota/quota.c b/src/plugins/quota/quota.c
index adbd70d..8e4d7e0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/quota/quota.c
+++ b/src/plugins/quota/quota.c
@@ -1163,6 +1163,8 @@ static void quota_warnings_execute(struct
quota_transaction_context *ctx,
&count_current, &count_limit) < 0)
+ quota_root_recalculate_relative_rules(root->set, bytes_limit,
bytes_before = bytes_current - ctx->bytes_used;
count_before = count_current - ctx->count_used;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
this patch realy fix the bug in quota_warning. Is it possible to add
this patch to the next release ?
Pozdrawiam / Best Regards
Michał Giżyński