Reindls  close, but he omitted the fact that if changing IP, you
better shorten the TTL to  about 5 mins - 24 hours before you do
anything, assuming your default DNS TTL if 24 hrs as most are, if you
use longer, than you need to wait that time.

then after a few hours after the change if everythings  good, reset
your TTL back to 86400 or 1D

On 2/11/15, Reindl Harald <> wrote:
> Am 10.02.2015 um 16:35 schrieb The Doctor:
>> Quick question.
>> We are using both IMAP and POP#.
>> Question :
>> how can you avoid retrieving an e-mail that has been already retrieved?
> by just rsync the complete data from the old to the new server
> * first rsync hot while servicers running
> * stop services
> * second rsync only transfer the differences
> * DNS and/or IP change
> * start servcies on the new server
> the client don't know anything about that

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