Hello, I'm trying to configure shared mailboxes with ACL. My problem is FS layout. Our maildirs is completely outside of home dirs (home dirs is on pure SSD zpool, maildirs on separate HDD zpool). We are using checkpassword auth, which sets mailbox_location for each user. Layout is following:
maildirs: /dpool/mail/maldirs/user-uuid/ home is: /dpool/mail/home/user-uuid/ index & control is under home: /dpool/mail/home/user-uuid/[index|control] the problem is how to specify path in NAMESPACE definition. I can use %% variables, but maildirs is not under home and also does not have "fixed" structure (so I can not use %%u for example). Is it possible to for example set some special env variable from checkpassword and than use it in namespace definition like home variable? Or can someone help to find the code in dovecot, which evaluates namespace location patter so I can patch it? thanks Pete