
I want to test dovecot proxying, on a user basis, in a simple set up (proxy, no
proxy_maybe and forward the passwd to the remote server).  This seem pretty
simple except that, in order to test it alongside the production server, I set
up 3 servers :

  . the proxy, listening to pop and imap on non standard ports 9143, 9993, 
9110, 9995
  . a proxy destination for some users, listening on 10143, 10993, 109110, 10995
  . another proxy destination for some other users, listening on 20145, 20993, 
209110, 20995

But there seems to be only one 'port' extra_field, so how can I handle the
proxying of both IMAP and POP3 (especially for the same user who can use both)


Thomas Hummel       | Institut Pasteur
<hum...@pasteur.fr> | Groupe Exploitation et Infrastructure

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