On 11/20/2014 05:51 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
On 11/20/2014 05:29 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
I am new to actually running dovecot. I actually still use POP as I
have for YEARS and thunderbird does not make it easy to convert to
My server is moving all tagged spam into the IMAP spam folder. Very
nice for the IMAP users, but not for the POP users. Of course the
server don't know, and the mysql database for users does not have any
flags for this. Don't want my server to fill up with spam from POP
users that don't know to check via IMAP.
I am using roundcubemail for the webmail IMAP client. Is there any
way for POP users to indicate that they do not want spam so nicely
auto moved to the IMAP spam folder?
Obviously I picked this up and did not think through the results.
Seemed good at the time...
mkdir /home/sieve
cat <<EOF>/home/sieve/globalfilter.sieve || exit 1
require "fileinto";
if exists "X-Spam-Flag" {
if header :contains "X-Spam-Flag" "NO" {
} else {
fileinto "Spam";
if header :contains "subject" ["***SPAM***"] {
fileinto "Spam";
chown -R vmail:mail /home/sieve
So one option is just to disable this. Another is to work out how
each user can do this if they want...
You're already using roundcube, so just enable managesieve and the
roundcube managesieve plugin, and let every user configure for
themselves how to react to the X-Spam-Flag header.
You can drop in a few sieve scripts as suggestions and they can enable
the one they like, or none, if they prefer to use their local mail
client for sorting this out.