On 2014-10-10 23:52, Timo Sirainen wrote:
It's not doing any changes to mailbox contents, but it's still updating the 
index/uidlist files as part of its normal operation.

I doesn't actually seem to change content of the files. Only permissoins. But given that the docs says (or rather "said") explicitly:

"No changes are ever done to the  source  location."

I would expect operations on the "source" to be strictly read only - including permissions.

Is the documentation intentionally changed to not make that promise anymore?

# dsync -R -o mail_home=/users/user/maildir backup ssh -c arcfour -o 
StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /root/.ssh/id-rsa-dsync source-host "dsync -o 

You should use -u user@domain parameter in both sides so it drops root 

Yes... but the problem here is that the current userdb has accounts which can be activated/de-activated and de-activating an account makes the userdb act as it doesn't exist.
... which makes dsync skip it.

I realize that's a broken userdb, but the possible work-around was to not do userdb lookups with dsync.


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