Am 22.09.2014 um 12:32 schrieb Dave Myers:
> Hello again dovecot list ;)
> I've recently upgraded my dovecot version from 2.1.7 to 2.2.13.
> both versions where installed from source.
> I upgraded why attempting to get lmtp working. I ultimately just coped the 
> executable lmtp to the location that
> dovecot was expecting it to be in. but then the above error appeared.
why do you copy files around?

if you update a software then make it complete and not
copy random files around - installing from source would
in general be better done by build packages because
they care about obsoleted files and so on

> However when I get the info from dovecot I get the following...
> $ dovecot -n
> # 2.2.13: /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
> so there seems to be an issue somewhere.
> I should note that I had copied my previous /conf.d/ files and then copied 
> them back after the update.
> I guess that I have missed a switch during the build, or need to modify a 
> line in the config somewhere that tells
> what the version is, but that doesn't explain why the dovecot -n returns the 
> correct info, but the error reports
> something different.
> I am considering inserting the
>  version_ignore=yes
> config option, but where should I insert it?

no, you should make sure that you have only one version installed
on your system and no old craft staying around

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