Hello, Dovecot.
Is it possible to write one rule in sieve, which will: (1) Trigger on any message with "List-Id" header AND (2) Put this message to folder with name build from content of "List-Id" header, in such way, that message with List-Id List-Id: This is decription of list <list-name.host.org> will be put into folder "org.host.list-name" where "." is namespace separator (so, such folders will be shown as hierarchy in mail client)? I don't want to write ~50 rules by hands and add new ones from time to time. I'm speaking about dovecot/pigeonhole sieve implementation, of course. All examples on net shows only manual one-rule-per-list approach :( -- // Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <l...@serebryakov.spb.ru>