On Mon, Sep 08, 2014 at 04:41:18PM -0700, Robert L Mathews wrote:
> On 9/8/14 3:38 PM, Jiri Bourek wrote:> Hm, I can only guess (someone
> with more knowledge of dovecot source code
> > probably knows better), but it seems like that value is magic number for
> > "not set". My doveconf outputs the same thing on services which don't
> > have vsz_limit set explicitly, but when I list /proc/[pid]/limits on
> > such a service, the row called "Max address space" (which is - AFAIK -
> > limit on vsz) shows 2GB, a value of default_vsz_limit setting.
> >
> > I'd say don't overthink it, just put explicit vsz_limit = 512M into
> > service imap section (if your machine's RAM allows) and be done with it.
> Right. According to my notes from when I upgraded to 2.x,
> "18446744073709551615" means it's not set and that the default_vsz_limit
> will apply, which is 256 MB.

That seems sensible to me. 2^64 bytes is 18446744073709551616 (18.45EB),
so the number shown is (2^64 - 1). As a *limit* for a 64-bit program,
that seems about as close to "no limit" as you're going to get :)

> To avoid the problem the original poster had, I used:
>  default_vsz_limit = 1 G
> -- 
> Robert L Mathews, Tiger Technologies, http://www.tigertech.net/

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