On 09/05/2014 04:30 PM, Nerijus Kislauskas wrote:
> Hello,
> Our Postfix setup uses multi-instance feature. I would like to enable
> dovecot SASL mechanisms in postfix. Open two unix sockets is not a
> problem for us:
> service auth {
>   unix_listener /var/spool/postfix-instance1/private/auth {
>     mode = 0660
>     user = postfix
>     group = postfix
>   }
>   unix_listener /var/spool/postfix-instance2/private/auth {
>     mode = 0660
>     user = postfix
>     group = postfix
>   }
> }
> Lets assume, that postfix-instance1 uses LDAP1, and postfix-instance2
> uses LDAP2. How can I use different userdb and passdb databases for
> those sockets?

Hi again,

After long googling we have found this link:

Ajusted my configs, and now I'm facing this problem:

2014-09-09T08:57:19.954477+03:00 mail-gw1 dovecot: ktu: Error: doveconf:
Fatal: execvp(/run/dovecot/dovecot/auth) failed: No such file or directory

That is strange, because our dovecot is 2.2.9 from debian
wheezy-backports and auth executable is in /usr/lib/dovecot/auth. Source
lines responsible for this error is in doveconf.c:

$ grep -n execvp src/config/doveconf.c
850:            execvp(exec_args[0], exec_args);
851:            i_fatal("execvp(%s) failed: %m", exec_args[0]);

Somehow exec_args[0] comes not as /usr/lib/dovecot/auth, but
/run/dovecot/dovecot/auth. Not sure how is that possible.

As author states, Dovecot v1.x is better working with multiple auth {}
sections. I'm working with postfix multiple instances and SASL. I would
be glad to see such capability in dovecot v2.x. Maybe my case is 1 out
of the million?
Nerijus Kislauskas

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