Hi all, since a few weeks I'm experimenting with some "IMAP forward boxes", but I didn't find a satisfactory solution yet.
Target function is a directory structure like following in a shared mailbox: /intern/users/fred /intern/users/ted /intern/users/alice The idea is, that a mail, moved to the directory "/intern/users/fred" via IMAP-client will be forwarded to "fred@test.domain" without modifying the mail (except the header line "delivered to:"). So if you get a mail in your inbox and want fred to answer it, you drag'n'drop it to /intern/users/fred. Fred gets the mail in his inbox and can answer it. To share all inboxes, to drop mails directly to them, is not an option, because I don't want everybody to see all other inboxes mails. Only to apply "-w-" ACL rights isn't an option either, because it seems to irritate the mail clients. Some month ago I had a partially working solution using a cron bash script. The script read the mails in the cur and new folders, processed the folders path and passed it to sendmail. It's ok, but it has to run quite often to get an adequate forwarding time and on sendmail errors mails got lost without any notification. It would be nice to have a dot-forward file in this subfolder (like in the qmail mailbox root), which is processed by dovecot when a mail is dropped in. Is it possible to solve this with a sieve script, a dot-forward file, or something similar ? I'm grateful for all solutions / ideas ! thx! Andre