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Ricardo Branco wrote:
> Latest config
> http://pastebin.com/XKNn6W24
> Ricardo Branco wrote, On 16/07/2014 14:56:
>> Shows that auth is not honouring the %n i have. Does the
>> username_format need to be only in the userdb section or also the
>> passdb part?
>> http://pastie.org/9396504
>> Ricardo Branco wrote, On 15/07/2014 18:23:
>>> That was done for testing to see if it made any difference when
>>> I moved to LDA, in LDA mode it seems to not care if that is %n
>>> or %u, it always takes the first part of the email address
>>> which is weird. Ive just tested again to confirm on %n and its
>>> not working so ive reverted again back to LDA which does. Seems
>>> to not matter how that variable is set it does not do
>>> anything.
>>> When using %n ive tried to see if I can login via IMAP with the
>>> whole username but again no, this is the error, note the
>>> difference between the 'user' field on each line.
>>> Jul 15 18:22:17 imap-login: Info: Login:
>>> user=<mark.whittaker>, method=PLAIN, rip=,
>>> lip=, mpid=9493, session=<VVE8pj7+9wAKAAC0> Jul 15
>>> 18:22:20 imap-login: Info: Disconnected: Shutting down (auth 
>>> failed, 4 attempts in 37 secs):
>>> user=<mark.whitta...@wenn.com>, method=PLAIN, rip=,
>>> lip=, TLS, session=<Vjs9pD7+IgAKAAAD>

Hi Ricardo,

I seem to miss something: You are talking about LMTP and LDA, then
present a log of an IMAP login attempt. Neither LDA not LMTP should
need any authentification, where should the password come from? And
yes, for auth you will need %n in passdb, too. username_format is not
documented for passdb { driver = pam}, but you could try.

Could you post a log of a LMTP delivery, when %n is in effect _and_
you are sure have reloaded Dovecot?

>>> Steffen Kaiser wrote, On 15/07/2014 13:18:
> On Tue, 15 Jul 2014, Ricardo Branco wrote:
>>>>>> Attached files
>>>>>> Nick Edwards wrote, On 15/07/2014 10:19:
>>>>>>> you need to show doveconf -n and what you have in the
>>>>>>> master.conf for dovecot
>>>>>>> On 7/15/14, Ricardo Branco <rica...@wenn.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I have been trying looking though all the wiki
>>>>>>>> documents to setup LMTP. It now seems to all be
>>>>>>>> connected except that it keeps saying that the user
>>>>>>>> is not recognised when postfix sends to LMTP, it
>>>>>>>> sends the full recipent email address but seems that
>>>>>>>> on the dovecot side it is unable to work with this. I
>>>>>>>> have checked the userdb and made sure its using %n
>>>>>>>> but alas it still does not work.
> userdb { args = username_format=%u /etc/passwd driver =
> passwd-file name = passwd-file }
> In opposite to your sentence I see a %u there.
>>>>>>>> Currently ive had to revert to using LDA as it works
>>>>>>>> fine with that but i still dont know how as the
>>>>>>>> postfix config variable $RECIPIENT is the full email
>>>>>>>> address and does not seem to matter to LDA.
> -- Steffen Kaiser

- -- 

Steffen Kaiser

H Bonn-Rhein-Sieg         | e-mail: steffen.kai...@h-brs.de
FB Informatik             |
Grantham-Allee 20         | phone : +49 2241/865-203
53757 Sankt Augustin      |
Germany - Deutschland     | fax   : +49 2241/865-8203

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