Le 26 mai 2014 à 14:12, Stanislas SABATIER a écrit : > [...] > I've already done that but it did change the behavior. > You said it works as expected on your test machine, but did you try to > exactly reproduce my case ? ie : having 3 different users within 3 > different domains all managed by Dovecot. User1 sends an email to > someone outside and CC user2 and user3.
Hello Stanislas, I just meant that putting: lmtp_destination_recipient_limit=1 in main.cf yields here the expected result: one message per recipient. The idea was to have a quick check for a possible overlap of user settings (whether because of your code or Dovecot's one, or your configs). I was hoping to perform some tests on my side, but I'm currently stuck: I'm unable to trigger the filters here (makes me remind of another yet unresolved problem, possibly related to a somewhat peculiar passdb/userdb I'm using here). Still investigating... > Because, if I send an email from an outside account to someone and CC > user2 and user3, everything is working perfectly at Dovecot's side, even > if Postfix is launching a single process to deliver the email ! > [...] Hmmm... I don't fully understand, but it seems you're adding new info to this thread. Could you elaborate (inside vs "outside account", "working perfectly"...)? Axel