We were able to solve the problem,
"When a control character is included in the subject of an e-mail,
dovecot exits with a fatal error" using the following information:

1. We added the following field to the sieve setting file:

sieve_editheader_rfc2822_check = yes
This is a switch for whether or not to check if a file is RFC2822 or not.
When it's set to yes, it works the exact same as before changes were made.
The default is yes.

2. When the sieve_editheader_rfc2822_check setting is set to no, we make
sure not to check for RFC2822.

Version: dovecot-2.2-pigeonhole-0.4.2

The patch is listed as below:
diff -Nur 
   2014-05-14 15:17:52.586774630 +0900
    2014-05-14 15:22:12.536780572 +0900
@@ -281,7 +281,8 @@
                return SIEVE_EXEC_OK;
-       if ( !rfc2822_header_field_body_verify
+       if ( this_ext->svinst->chk_rfc2822 == TRUE &&
+             !rfc2822_header_field_body_verify
                (str_c(value), str_len(value), TRUE, TRUE) ) {
                sieve_runtime_error(renv, NULL, "addheader action: "
                        "specified value `%s' is invalid",
diff -Nur dovecot-2.2-pigeonhole-0.4.2_org/src/lib-sieve/sieve-common.h 
--- dovecot-2.2-pigeonhole-0.4.2_org/src/lib-sieve/sieve-common.h       
2014-05-14 15:17:52.593774606 +0900
+++ dovecot-2.2-pigeonhole-0.4.2/src/lib-sieve/sieve-common.h   2014-05-14 
15:23:57.584775286 +0900
@@ -189,6 +189,9 @@
        size_t max_script_size;
        unsigned int max_actions;
        unsigned int max_redirects;
+        /* Check */
+        bool chk_rfc2822;
 #endif /* __SIEVE_COMMON_H */
diff -Nur dovecot-2.2-pigeonhole-0.4.2_org/src/lib-sieve/sieve.c 
--- dovecot-2.2-pigeonhole-0.4.2_org/src/lib-sieve/sieve.c      2014-05-14 
15:17:52.583774672 +0900
+++ dovecot-2.2-pigeonhole-0.4.2/src/lib-sieve/sieve.c  2014-05-14 
15:19:39.628771207 +0900
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
        size_t size_setting;
        const char  *domain;
        pool_t pool;
+        bool bool_setting;
        /* Create Sieve engine instance */
        pool = pool_alloconly_create("sieve", 8192);
@@ -118,6 +119,15 @@
                svinst->max_redirects = (unsigned int) uint_setting;
+       /* Check RFC2822 from configuration */
+        svinst->chk_rfc2822 = TRUE;
+        if (sieve_setting_get_bool_value
+               (svinst, "sieve_editheader_rfc2822_check", &bool_setting) ) {
+                svinst->chk_rfc2822 = bool_setting;
+        }
        /* Initialize extensions */
        if ( !sieve_extensions_init(svinst) ) {

> 1) When an e-mail's subject contains control characters like
> [Ctrl+V|^V], dovecot.sieve terminates with an error and an e-mail is not
> able to be sent. When a MIME encoded Subject like [TEST^VMAIL] is sent
> we're not able to edit the subject and dovecot ends with an error.
> This is a sample of the data that was used in testing.
> Subject: =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCI1QjRSNTI1QbKEIWGyRCI00jQSNJI0wbKEI=?=
> X-Spam-Score: 100.00%
> ↓
> Subject: =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCI1QjRSNTI1QbKEIWGyRCI00jQSNJI0wbKEI=?=
> X-Spam-Score: 100.00%
> This is the log generated by the data above.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> sieve: info: started log at May 02 10:46:22.
> main script: line 14: error: addheader action: specified value `[SPAM]
> TEST?・・' is invalid.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Aside from [Ctrl + V] the following control charcters also cause errors:
> backspace
> Ctrl + A
> Ctrl + C
> Ctrl + [
> Ctrl + X
> Ctrl + Y

Atsuko Tanaka

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