
I am using Dovecot 2.2.11 with Pigeonhole on Arch Linux. I have a
partly working sieve script (pasted to the end of this mail) which
sorts mail into various imap folders.
The first, third and fourth if blocks work just fine. The second and
fifth block do not sort any mails.

However, if I apply the script with sieve-test to mails the second and
fifth block seem to work.

How is the manual check with sieve-test different from the sieve
filtering during mail delivery?

I am thankful for any hints.


this is the sieve script I am talking about

require "fileinto";
# Musik wegsortieren
if anyof ( header :comparator "i;ascii-casemap" :contains "Subject"
"Mixing.DJ", header :comparator "i;ascii-casemap" :contains "Subject"
"John B", header :comparator "i;ascii-casemap" :contains "Subject"
"FLOSS Weekly", header :comparator "i;ascii-casemap" :contains
"Subject" "BrainStuff", header :comparator "i;ascii-casemap" :contains
"Subject" "Nerdy Show", header :comparator "i;ascii-casemap" :contains
"Subject" ["My Brother", " My Brother And Me"], header :comparator
"i;ascii-casemap" :contains "Subject" "MoJoMenace", header :comparator
"i;ascii-casemap" :contains "Subject" "GWJ Conference Call",
header :comparator "i;ascii-casemap" :contains "Subject" "Welcome to
Night Vale", header :comparator "i;ascii-casemap" :contains "Subject"
"International Waters" ) { fileinto "Feeds.music"; stop; }
# Youtube wegsortieren
if address :all :comparator
"i;ascii-casemap" :contains "From" "nore...@youtube.com"  { fileinto
"Feeds.Youtube"; stop; }
# Awesomer wegsortieren
if header :comparator
"i;octet" :contains "Subject" "[The Awesomer]"  { fileinto
"Feeds.Awesomer"; stop; }
# Feeds sortieren
if address :all :comparator
"i;octet" :contains "From"
"sebi+feedmai...@mighty.selfhost.bz"  { fileinto "Feeds"; stop; }
# AIStA wegsortieren
if header :comparator "i;ascii-casemap" :contains "Received"
"webmail.awista.net"  { fileinto "AIStA";

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