On 12.3.2014, at 15.30, Philipp Brüll <bru...@simiatech.com> wrote:

> I try to find a memory leak in a dovecot plugin that I develop. In
> order to find it, it would be helpful to print the total amount of
> memory that is currently allocated. This print could than spread over
> the source code and the memory consumption can be tracked.
> I've tried
>    i_debug("pool size %u",
>        (unsigned int)pool_alloconly_get_total_alloc_size(system_pool));
> But that failed. Does someone has a good advice?

Dovecot doesn't track total memory usage.

> I would like to avoid complex solutions like valgrind.

I always use valgrind, for example with imap:

service imap {
  executable = /usr/bin/valgrind -q --leak-check=full 

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