On 1 May 2014 19:48, Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net> wrote:

> * set a alias on the postfix side to another mail-address
> * that way dovecot never see the root-address as destination
> * use "postsuper -d queue_id" to kill the messages from the queue
> ______________________________
> cat /etc/aliases | grep root
> # Person who should get root's mail
> root:           h.rei...@thelounge.net
> ______________________________
> don't forget calling "newaliases" after changes in that file
> if you have implemented aliases on postfix in a different way
> follow the documentation

Okay, so that's two people who have recommended the same solution.  That's
good enough for me.  I shall go and implement that now.

Many thanks for all your help guys!


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