Dan Pollock <poll...@theorem.ca> writes:

I would like to move everyone onto more modern mail programs, but at the
moment I have a couple of them that are stuck using very old software
installed for them on work computers. The rest of my clients can connect
on ports 993 and 995 without it being a problem.

You know best whether you want to take the risk of compromising passwords
on your system (including compromised accounts using for spamming and
blowing your mail reputation to smithereens), but I don't know whether
your customers do.  They may think they are only risking their Email,
but it can be leveraged to also gain access to other authentication
systems e.g. "Forgot password" feature.

You can suggest the installation of a SSL proxy for those holdouts that
won't switch mail readers (stunnel even has support down to Win98).


These days, cleartext passwords over the network is just begging to
be compromised.

Joseph Tam <jtam.h...@gmail.com>

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