On 3/4/2014 4:00 PM, Muzaffer Tolga Ozses <to...@ozses.net> wrote:
On 4 March 2014 19:21, Charles Marcus <cmar...@media-brokers.com> wrote:
On 3/3/2014 8:43 PM, Aleve Sicofante <asicofa...@gmail.com> wrote:
I wish to know if someone knows an IMAP client (desktop or webmail) using
Dovecot's virtual mailboxes as server-side search folders.

I'm also interested in this. What I'd really like to see is support in
Thunderbird for this.

Thunderbird already has support for virtual folders, but I'd love to see
this support extended to server-side virtual folders - ie, so Thunderbird
could create and manage them directly on the server.

Could you elaborate? I'm using virtual mailboxes, but I'm not sure if
that's what you're talking about. If you mean no system accounts, that's my

Please don't top-post...

Yes, dovecot's 'virtual mailboxes' is essentially the same thing conceptually as Thunderbird's 'Virtual Folders', but dovecot does it server-side (and all clients automatically see the virtual mailboxes as if they were real folders).

Thunderbird does it client side, so it is *much* less efficient, and it is local only to that instance of Thunderbird (so, no other clients see those virtual folders).

Hmmm... I could have sworn I opened a bug about this way back when dovecot added support for this, but I guess I didn't...

So, I just did... feel free to go vote for it:



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