If they where generated using crypt, why not tell dovecot to use crypt also?

Quoting KT Walrus <ke...@my.walr.us>:

I’m using the Dovecot Enterprise Edition on Centos 6.5, but Blowfish password hashes don’t seem to work. What can I do to enable Blowfish hashes for passwords? Maybe I don’t have my installation configured properly?

Note that I really want to use the existing Blowfish hashes in my MySQL database for Dovecot Authentication. The hashes are generated by PHP crypt() that has Blowfish support built-in. I looked at PHP’s sources, and PHP uses crypt_blowfish.c from http://www.openwall.com/crypt/. This code is in the public domain and could easily be used by Dovecot to support Blowfish passwords on all platforms (if Dovecot doesn’t already support Blowfish on all platforms).


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