Am 21.01.2014 17:51, schrieb Robert Schetterer:
> Am 21.01.2014 17:31, schrieb Sebastian Schlatow:
>> Hello,
>> how performant is an IMAP shared folder / mailbox if it contains 2
>> million mails? Is it possible two have such a quantity of mails in a
>> shared folder? Is it possible to search that shared folder for mails in
>> a fast way?
>> Regards
>> Sebastian
> there might no ultimate answer for this ,cause it might not depend on
> the number of mails only, there might be other complex setup stuff
> involved, at the end with which client you like to search, why not
> simply test it with a test server, shouldnt take much time
> Best Regards
> MfG Robert Schetterer
Thanks for your quick reply. As a client Thunderbird, Evolution and
Outlook should be used. In rare cases maybe mobile clients on iOS and
Android. So it is principle possible to have it performant? I asked
because I wanted to know if it makes sense to setup a test system for that.

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