On 2014-01-17 10:53, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
On 1/16/2014 6:56 PM, Murray Trainer wrote:

This is probably a bit off-topic but does anyone have any idea about
sizing MTA servers.   We have about 200,000 emails/hr  incoming and
outgoing.  I am intending using Exim and Spamassassin on each MTA.
How many servers using recent hardware would I need to cope with this
mail throughput?

The number of boxen is irrelevant to the question of msg rate, as is the
CPU.  You can easily do your 56 msgs/sec with one box containing a 10
year old 2GHz single core CPU, as long as you have enough memory for the concurrent TCP connections, and sufficient IOPS. The only thing in this scenario needing CPU is spamassassin, unless you forgot to mention clamav.


Stan, I just wanted to mention that even though I didn't ask the question (nor is the answer to it relevant to me in practice, right now) I greatly appreciated your elaborate response and the insight. It's pearls like this
one which keep me on the list despite the occasional flamewar. ;-)

Frerich Raabe - ra...@froglogic.com
www.froglogic.com - Multi-Platform GUI Testing

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