also sprach martin f krafft <> [2013-12-27 18:04 +1300]:
> I tested those regular expressions with sed -r, e.g.
>   % sed -rne "s@^X-Spam-Status: [^,]*, score=-?[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]] 
> required=(-?[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]).*@\1@p" mailfile
>   5.0
> and they work.
> Unfortunately, in sieve scripts, the spamtest value is always 0,
> which is indicative of the spamtest "not having run", which in this
> case I assume means that the regular expression didn't match.

The documentation talks about "POSIX regular expressions", but the
examples use extended regexps. This should probably be clarified.

However, even if I remove the -r in the above sed call and escape
the characters +?(), it does not work. Character classes, such as
[:digit:] are available in regular POSIX regexps, to my knowledge.

So: the documentation needs clarification, but my problem remains.

Yes, I could just "text"-match against X-Spam-Flag (which I now do),
but I'd prefer it if the user could match against a spam
probability, e.g. already filter if SpamAssassin assigns 6 out of 10
required points.


martin | |
"geld ist das brecheisen der macht."
                                                 - friedrich nietzsche

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