Ok, hopefully there is a solution to this.
I've been experimenting with multiple rsyncs in preparation for pulling
the trigger on the mail server switch, but have a problem that I really
want to fox before doing so.
Apparently something causes Thunderbirds local message cache to get out
of sync with dovecot after a sync.
Here is the series of commands I'm running:
1. stop postfix, stop dovecot on new server
2. rsync -rltgovDHP --delete --exclude-from 'excludes.txt'
/path/to/vmail/example.com/ /var/vmail/example.com/
3. chown vmail:vmail /var/vmail
4. start dovecot, start postfix
ls -al /var/vmail/example.com/user/cur
shows all of the messages that should be there, and all perms are correct.
Go to my account that is pointed to this mail server/account, and none
of the new messages show up. Also, some messages are still showing up
that shouldn't.
I've tried compacting the folders, closing/relaunching Thunderbird, but
nothing helps.
The only way to get them to show up is to go to the local Thunderbird
cache for the account, and delete the files associated with the folder
having the problem.
The problem is, ALL folders will have this problem, which means that
everyone will need to delete ALL of their local cahced folders.
This will be a major support problem.
Anyone have any ideas?
Best regards,